Cofffee club is closed

The coffee club will open again for subscriptions at 12:00 on the 1st October 2024, we will see you there. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to email

The only UK coffee subscription service with our Neapolitan pals at Passalacqua.


Pick your Passalacqua

Choose from any of our flavours and whether you want a tin, a brick or even a bag of beans. Enjoy 10% off the regular price AND the convenience of automatic renewal.


Sign up

Sign up between the 1st and the 7th of the month and pay for your first monthly subscription. Your subscription will automatically re-new on the same day, every month so no need to keep coming back to the website and checking out.


Get the coffees on!

As soon your order is paid for we will get it sent straight out to you. What’s even more exciting is that every 6 months you will get a surprise gift or piece of Passalacqua merchandise as a special thank you! Please allow 8-10 working days from your order being processed to be delivered. The coffee comes straight from Napoli so it can take a little while to get through customs.


250g Tin



Such a good coffee, they named their bars in the city after it. A proper TRiCKET customer favourite and a real smooth treat for your morning coffee.

Coffee Club is currently closed

250g Brick



This is the best way to have your coffee and drink it… or something like. A great taste and a great price, that will do me fine.

Coffee Club is currently closed

250g Brick



The nice people at Passalacqua reckon that this is the best one that they make and I wouldn’t disagree. Strong, complex and lovely… just like me.

Coffee Club is currently closed

1KG Beans



The only coffee beans that taste like you are sat in a bar in Napoli… without being sat in a bar in Napoli. The only coffee that isn’t ground.

Coffee Club is currently closed

250g Tin



A firm TRiCKETT favourite, the best of the best and made lovingly in Napoli by our mates Passalacqua. 250g ground coffee in a tin

Coffee Club is currently closed

250g Tin



The smoothest of all the Passalacqua blends and creates one of the best cremas that money can buy. The perfect way to start any morning.

Coffee Club is currently closed


I know that waiting can be hard work when it comes to great coffee, but due to customs procedures when the coffee enters the UK, please allow up to 10 working days from when you are charged for the best coffee in Napoli to land on your doorstep. Thanks for your patience.

You will receive 10% off the regular price of Passalacqua, your payment information is stored securely (with PayPal, we at TRiCKETT don't store any personal information) and automatically charged every month so that you don't need to come back to the shop and enter all your information again. What is even more exciting is that for every 6 months that you subscribe, you will receive a free coffee-related gift or piece of Passalacqua merchandise, free of charge, as a thank-you.

The club opens its doors for new subscriptions between the 1st and 7th of every month. You will be charged straight away for your first subscription and then you will be automatically charged on the same day of the month, every month thereafter until you cancel.

Yes, it will still be available at regular intervals like always. The subscription service is for those who want a regular supply and don't want to keep popping to the website to order.

In your account there will be a section for you to cancel and amend your order, just follow the guide and it will cancel your order for you. Any issues, please get in touch on and one of the team will be happy to help.
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3 6 9 12
3 6 9 12
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    clear sky | 19 °C

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